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"...overall decline in birth rates is being driven by steep drops among Hispanic women and women who do not belong to religious organizations."

Allamanda 8 May 29

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Makes sense. Proudly childfree as an agnostic myself. 🙂


"...demographers worry that a baby bust that emerged after the Great Recession is becoming permanent.." Holy crap we are headed for doom - so these people think. I remember reading, a couple of years ago a headline in a Victoria BC paper about the birth dearth is over and we are back to having babies. To many people it is all about the economy and growing our numbers and the hell with the environment. Governments always try to get me birth despite what the citizens feel they can bear. In my European studies it was shown that during the crash of Rome the government was trying to get the people to up their fertility and they would have none of that. A big part of the crash was the increasing number of diverse populations moving to Rome for their livelihood and this placed a real strain on the infrastructure.

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