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Where I live in Ireland I have never had to wait in line to Vote. There's a polling station within walking distance of anyone voting in a town or city. We don't have voter suppression and districts are decided by independent commissions. So my question is, is the USA a functioning democracy anymore. And if it's not how can it be taken back.

dermot235 7 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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As occasionally mentioned, we’re also a Republic. Not a Parliamentary system, but a winner-take-all, our choice quickly becomes binary.. One of our two parties figured out, if they divide and motivate … while discouraging voter participation, though a ‘minority party,’ they can win. They have.

Vote-by-mail is a perfect example of the fears of that minority party. My home state has been voting entirely by mail for over two decades, it works. But given our minority party’s previous wins and current positions of power, they’ve no intention of allowing any change that would increase voting. In fact, their members on our Supreme Court recently revoked (in 2013) federal voting guidelines enacted during the sixties to assure minority voters were not excluded…

The only answer is to support their opposition, at every election. If done consistently, for decades, the imbalance would be corrected, the minority party would be forced to clean up it’s act, and Democracy could flourish. Until then ..more of the same ~

Varn Level 8 May 29, 2020

I think that is probably true. And I hope it works out that way. There is no guarantee that it will. But if it does, it will be a shame that it may take decades for that to happen.

California’s 39 million people get two senators in Washington, while two Senators also represent states like Wyoming (578,000 people), Vermont (626,000 people), and Alaska (737,000 people). With this type of thing going on it will become more and more difficult to take your country back. Also, the smaller the Vote the republicans can take the more Gerrymandering and voter suppression they will enforce. And the damage done to the US will be enormous during this period. Damage that includes it's reluctance to engage with the majority of voters that don't support them and damage done in how the US interacts with the rest of the world. And from my point of view I would prefer to see the US having a leadership role in the world than abdicate it and let China become the leading global superpower.



At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Franklin was queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation. In the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention, a lady asked Dr. Franklin “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.”

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