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“No Matter How Different the Movements Were, the LAPD Targeted Every One of Them”

"The 1960s in Los Angeles were explosive. The LAPD brutally enforced segregation, raided gay bars, policed the counterculture, and repressed radical students and anti-war protestors. But the working class of Los Angeles fought back against the police and the city elite with passion and muscle.

Jacobin’s Meagan Day spoke to Mike Davis and Jon Wiener about their new book, Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties (Verso 2020), which covers everything from the causes of the Watts rebellion to the outsize role of the local Communist Party in city politics to the persecution of Venice, “the last poor beach” in Los Angeles."


WilliamCharles 8 May 30

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Not surprising. Like most police forces of large cities, they care only about order, if even that, not justice. Sometimes the cops cause more disorder than protestors, the movements, or justice groups.

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