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Quarantined and bored Mad Science lesson 101:

  • Don't have a jar of hydrogen gas near a Tesla coil. Now I know! (No caffeine is needed when ones Monday morning starts this way!
Observer-Effect 7 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Did you build your Tesla coil?

Yeah, but just from a kit - nothing more than high school level soldering skills needed. But they are cheap now and I've always wanted to mess with one.

@Observer-Effect awesome..

@Charlene Its funny, I'm really fearful of high voltages. I experiment with radiation, chemicals, heavy metals and such constantly - carefully but without fear. However I'm just not used to powerful electricity. But I'm starting to play with it more because I want to learn more about it, its a weak area in my physics & practical knowledge.

@Observer-Effect just Don't lick it whilst active..

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