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As far as Australia, the Land Down Under, the East, Europe, South America, the US has enormous influence over the whole wide world. How do our capitalistic holidays, Valentines Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and (commercialized) Christmas affect the rest of humanity?

AstralSmoke 8 Nov 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't think these all days affect too much negativity. I have only problem with indoctrination, enforcing religion on others and intolerance etc etc.

Hussy Level 4 Nov 27, 2017

In Australia Halloween only existed in American movies and TV when I was a child but is around to a much smaller extent than in the US, Thanksgiving isn't a thing here at all, but we do the rest and while you can't claim they all came from y'all the over-commercialisation probably did.

Over-commercialization is what I was getting at.

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