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I've noticed that a lot of the people on here try to make others feel stupid with their vocabulary. It makes me wonder if they are using a dictionary and thesaurus while posting. I've learned that if you want to get your point across; use words that most people understand and don't have to have a dictionary on standby. I know it's coming with the replies........bring it!!!!!!!!!

Mojo1998 5 June 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Why limit our vocabulary to the same few words when it can be expanded and enriched? There are thousands of words in the English language and we use but such a limited number of them. I can’t believe that your word knowledge is so limited that you expect others to curtail their vocabulary to enable you to understand. If you feel stupid because of any words you can’t understand, it’s not that someone has intentionally written something to make you feel that way, it’s because you have a limited vocabulary, something you can remedy by learning these new words and not feeling disadvantaged in the future. I have a feeling this is a wind up, especially the last sentence with its excessive use of exclamation I will leave it there, except to say witness a limited vocabulary in action, look no further than your President.


We use what we got 😉 That's true of all people.


I love it! Just the replies I expected. As you can see by my profile picture of Thomas Paine; he fully understood the power of words when used in the proper context of your audience.


l haven't really noticed that here.

That's rather pangolian of you.

@PondartIncbendog OK, you proved me wrong. l will have to look that one up. 🙄


I will endeavor to utilize a modicum of exorbitantly intricate and arduous vocabulary as not to precipitate vexation. 😀

Ummmm,,,,,,,,,Ok. Lets splain it like dis, I'm da sharpest knife in the toolbox.........


For members of an agnostic website, let's not have such a "holier than thou" attitude. It's great if they have an extensive vocabulary, that's a good thing. Using it to inflate ones ego at other's expense negates the positive. That's being a snob.

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