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I miss @Sheannutt.

MissKathleen 9 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I miss her Halloween posts.

@MissKathleen Well, I am into Halloween and she posted a lot in that group.


More and more people of the "old guard" are leaving, I'll admit I have considered it myself.
This place has become infested with covert Christians fighting the good fight and the "Atheist but Spiritual mafia" to say nothing of a bucket load of trolls.
I rarely ever blocked people but in the past six weeks I have blocked 16 rude, arrogant or just bloody annoying arseholes.

That's weird, because I have not (yet) crossed swords with anybody remotely religious here recently.


Same here

bobwjr Level 10 June 11, 2020

What happened to her? Did she leave the community?

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