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COVID19 Jehovah’s Witness

I got this in the mail today. It had my name on the envelope + “or current resident”. The need to spread the word without spreading the virus is strong. 😷

Tinocca 7 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Well at least they seem to be taking COVID-19 seriously, so few in my neighborhood do. Someone in my neighborhood also got this. If one had the time it might be nice to send them a link to get help with leaving their cult. Not every Christian is in a cult, but every JW is in one.

MarkWD Level 7 June 13, 2020

I got one, too, and they apparently only live a street or so away from me. I guess it's costing them a lot more than the door to door thing they did.

Lauren Level 8 June 13, 2020

The return address on mine was also a block or two away... Strange...

@Cutiebeauty I wonder if they've intentionally done that, or if it really is JWs living near us? I don't know how to check that out by just looking at their house.

@Lauren i don't either... I just ripped it and threw it away...

This one is from about 2 miles away. Apparently they got a mailing list somehow. I’m certainly not going to be dropping by their home to chat.


I was wondering what they would do. Every other disaster they have come out strongly knocking on doors except for this one. I got that too. Public records online, anyone can find you. The one they sent me they actually put my name on it.

My name was on the envelope.


Will you need a exorcism now?


Yuck 😝😝

bobwjr Level 10 June 12, 2020

I chuckled, tossed it, and washed my hands thoroughly.


I got the same thing but with a hand written letter ..

Wash it or burn it! Quickly!

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