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People and Groups I Would Sue If I Could

1-Autism Speaks

2-Radical feminists that act as Ace-erasers to a good portion of asexual men by claiming all men to only want sex.

3-All pharmaceutical companies that create a ton of painkiller products but never once even tried to create a drug for helping people feel more physically. Like seriously, they only ever care to create drugs to make people have a stronger desire for sex but it is fucking torture if your nerves and brain do not enable you to enjoy sexual stimulation.

4-People with narcissistic personality disorder, I would definitely feel justified if I could sue them all into permanent homelessness.

Secular_Squirrel 7 June 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Speaking of narcissistic personality

@Secular_Squirrel Okay dude, whatever you say. Have a lovely night.

@Secular_Squirrel Good grief, yet another block...bye bye. Have a nice life.


Huh? Having a really shitty day?

@Secular_Squirrel You don't have shit to complain about. You''re white, young and healthy. Try black, older and a "pre-existing condition. I'm 65, in pain every waking minute, cn't walk more than fifty feet, don't have any family or relatives, live with white supremacists and morons. And I'm having the time of my life!

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