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LINK Trump supporter on Tulsa rally, not worried about covid

Oblivious trump supporter

bobwjr 10 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Stupid is as stupid does... I can't help it, even tho I know it's not PC and is stereotyping, but anytime I hear a Southern accent I usually assume the person is a lower than normal IQ...Hate me for it if you like, but most of the time the assumption is correct. Without the South, the Repub party would be constantly out of power in DC...


"Duos tantum post coitus animalium rideat--et sacerdos, et asini"
(Only two animals laugh after intercourse--the Priest, and the Ass).



t1nick Level 8 June 18, 2020

Hope he gets COVID-19 at the Orange Turd rally.

Natural selection at work.

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