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Where are all the protests and publicity for Native Americans, they were here first. Yet noone seems to care anout them. Where is the Native American lives matter movement.

JohnLeigh1 2 June 20

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If you are so worried about it, start the movement yourself. Organize your local native community and do it...


MY Life Matters.
Where are my superior and privileged white genes? Why am I not affluent? Where's my undeserved status, house, life? I must really be a complete loser to not have been able to take advantage of my head start in life! Now I REALLY feel guilty.
Native Americans were royally screwed, of course. Genghis Khan screwed over millions, too. So did Alexander the Great and every other celebrated victorious warlord since recorded history began. The U.S. is nothing new; it's just that our sensibilities have become so refined the crimes of the past (even out OWN recent past) have become insufferable.
We SHOULD take all this to mean the human race (or at least that portion residing in the First World of white guilt) is perfecting itself before our very eyes.
We are indeed fortunate to be here to bear witness for this momentous event.


Everyone should be concerned when a particular group is targeted, and everyone should care about every one else, some day oppression and hate may be used against you.


Lol, this is a good question πŸ˜‚
I guess their lives just don't matter as much as black lives


They’ve been assimilated, or annihilated 😟 1/16 of me is Choctaw..

Varn Level 8 June 20, 2020

what about the children? WHO'S GONNA WORRY ABOUT THE CHILDREN???

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