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I just heard that there is a church in Phoenix that has installed air ionizers, they kill over 95% of all viruses. Two Ministers ran an ad telling everyone would be safe. Thoughts?

dalefvictor 8 June 22

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People's covid breath would have to go through the ionizer before it could kill the virus. So it won't work unless they were directly breathing into an ionizer and had one sitting in front of each person in church.

The fact is the churches are staving for money. All those church workers that bullshit for a living are not able to make their bullshit into money anymore and they are getting desperate enough to ask their followers to risk their lives so that the church can continue making their easy, labor free and tax free bullshit money without worries.

Suicide is suppose to be against Christian's beliefs. It would be a form of suicide, for some of the people who attend church during this pandemic that end up dying from the virus because of their attendance. But only the church can speak for the god and they can change the rules, which is obvious, to suit the church's revenue needs.

jrhere Level 5 July 15, 2020

They said that to get people out for their drump rally....nasty criminal lies IMO!


That was a false claim. The company that makes the equipment very publicly refuted the fraudulent claim made by the church. You know you can't believe ANYTHING that comes out of thoae charlatans mouths.


Good luck 😉


I thought that was Jesus's job.

Cheeky Level 5 June 23, 2020

Virus's are different size. The specs for a m95 are one micron. That filter will not filter covid 19. The others are not significant right now. The corona virus is .125 and smaller. Hospital specs for air circulation systems use merv 15 filters. They still will not filter this virus with enough velocity to vacuum the air before the virus is spread.


NOT true that they kill Covid! Otherwise hospitals & nursing homes would install them wall-to-wall!


I'd want to hear what the medical experts say. Otherwise it's snake oil.

TO_BY Level 7 June 23, 2020

Air ionizers do, but the room would need to be unoccupied. They use them in very small spaces it would take many ionizer with huge capacity to sanitize an entire church. If infected people are among a large group it wouldn't help. Social Distancing and masks. Jesus won't help either.

barjoe Level 9 June 22, 2020

Sounds unlikely. And a quick check agrees with me 🙂


Ionizing air kills viruses? to me..just one more way to bilk people out their money..

It kills people too

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