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New U.S. Covid-19 Cases Surge 25%

The United States saw a 25% increase in new cases of COVID-19 in the week ended June 21 compared to the previous seven days, with Arizona, Florida and Texas experiencing record surges in new infections, a Reuters analysis found.

Twenty-five U.S. states reported more new cases last week than the previous week, including 10 states that saw weekly new infections rise more than 50%, and 12 states that posted new records, according to the analysis of data from The COVID Tracking Project, a volunteer-run effort to track the outbreak.


LiterateHiker 9 June 23

Enjoy being online again!

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How many victims of hubristic Republican preying are now praying to their god for recovery?


In AZ. we're racking up about 2,500 to 3,000 new cases every day now. Boy are we sure winning. All those people who just had to get out and party over the memorial day weekend are now reaping their rewards.


My ( red) state opened way too soon. 3 weeks ago there had been 3700 cases total. Now it's 16. 600+ cases with 5221 currently active. And none of these rednecks are social distancing. You know it's bad when Kansas issues a quarantine order against anyone travelling in from Arkansas.


It’s definitely getting worse. Some people just don’t get it though


This shows up the basics of the republican Health Plan. Die away from where you can be found and counted by another. Thus all will be good and everyone will be healthy.


Trumps triumph

bobwjr Level 10 June 23, 2020

Yes, just made the news over here. It would seem that POTUS45 has screwed up again. It would appear to be happening in his supporter base.


How much can be traced to street demonstrations by tightly packed crowds, many of them not even wearing masks?

Petter Level 9 June 23, 2020


Coronavirus cases spiked in the U.S. sun belt with Republican governors who re-opened too soon.

Packed beaches and conservative idiots who refuse to wear masks.


@LiterateHiker So the street demos and Tulsa rally surges are yet to come? That's bad.

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