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Europe; do us a favor. Please....? Ban us from traveling there...for just a few months?

Robecology 9 June 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I found a few reports on this.

bingst Level 8 June 24, 2020

Sounds as if they're thinking about it. It'll disrupt business and hurt their tourist business...but, we'll be fine.

@OwlInASack I have friends around the world and am constantly apologizing to them/mocking him with them...yes, I know. But you're right that possibly ''average'' Americans, who are used to being welcomed in other countries, would be stunned to know how many people around the world now regard us as self-centered idiots!

@OwlInASack I've traveled a LOT in the world and have seen so many Americans with the ''entitled'' know the one. Everything WE do is biggerbetteretc....looking down their noses, squealing at toilets which don't meet their high standards, sending food back four or five times....THOSE people. Frankly, many of us deserve being banned for awhile!

@OwlInASack THANKS! (xoxox) I've spent delightful, entertaining, educational times in the UK and want to return! The people I've met have all been low-key and I must've missed the ''cream-tea-cricket'' types...good for me! Maybe that's because I travel with a humble, appreciative attitude. Wish I could say the same for some of my fellow Americans!

You reminded me of a time in a pub in Wales. I asked the bartender how I could tell a Welshman from a Brit. He said, "We're the DOUR ones." 🙂

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