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Toxic Relationships

Anyone else have to break free from their Best Friend? Or Partner? I have given him chance after chance...I know its extremely codependent and toxic...I have taken breaks from the friendship but always wind up reconnecting because I miss the good times...
He just burnt the final support beam in the bridge..the overwhelming consuming feeling of hurt that he would rather torture me with narcissistic behavior and disrespect than be a good friend
I am done for good

Ravenwolfcasey 7 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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exactly, kick them to the curb and move on. lifes short.


So many do not have clue that their thoughts and action are toxic to so many others!!!

That Honey Badger one ..omg absolutely fantastic


It's difficult. When you're in a relationship with a narcissist, it's harder to break free than it is from a normal relationship. What happens is called Trauma Bonding, and it is like being addicted to a drug. Wishing you strength and good fortune.

Deb57 Level 8 June 29, 2020

It's very frustrating


Sounds like my sister. Narcissists do no wrong.
They think that they are perfect. There’s nothing loving
about their behavior. You have to love yourself enough
to walk away.

What's bad is..I already deal with a toxic MOTHER so it's like I really don't need two people that abuse me


That is a very apt statement and something for me to remember, for sure. Yes, I'm in similar shoes, having broken up from my toxic relationship for the last time, through he keeps trying to reel me back in. Wish he could understand this meme, but he always had justifications in his head for his actions, so it's no use.

Best just to put it all behind, and be happy alone. Don't be tempted by memories of fun times, after the latest sting of bad behavior wears off. Even if things go well for a while, stuff keeps coming back up and will never get better.

I have come to the conclusion that narcissists are beyond help, and are not worth the effort to keep feeding their ego. Tried to get mine to see a professional, but I'm not sure anyone can help him. Just got to cut the tie and not allow him to be my problem anymore.

Yes I agree I do not believe they can change


How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb ?

. . . jus one, but the light bulb has to REALLY want to change! 😮 😮



When there is a clash of egos there are two egos.



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