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I don't like overcast days. If there are more than two in a row, I get depressed.

Jolanta 9 June 29

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We have had sunny days for a month and could use a few rainy ones. I find inside projects in my workshop for those days or list on ebay as dinkydude. []


I am with you. My light seems to shine brighter with the sun, and too many grey, muted days in a row and my mood starts feeling muted, too. If it's gotta be grey, I want a raging electrical thunderstorm to go with it.


I agree. I love the blue skies and sun.


I've had SAD (Seasonal affected Disorder) now for over 10 years and my doctor said it tends to get worse with age. I have a medical grade Light box that is really helpful and I have to take Vitamin D supplements in the winters when the days are short. It really does work if you take measures like this.


There are quite a lot of articles online about SAD, here’s one that covers a few bases: []


Do not go live in the United Kingdom! Or the Sunset District of San Francisco.


I find that getting outside, even on overcast days, helps to keep the winter blahs away. Hard sometimes to make the motions to get outside, when the weather isn't appealing, but it's worth the effort. Easier said than done, though, I know, and still, just the change in the weather does something to our minds somehow.

Maybe treat yourself somehow on cloudy days? So there's a reward in it for you, when you can't have the sunshine? I think it's just a fact of life for us. I crave light and warmth, which is part of the reason why I moved from Seattle to Kauai.

I get what you are saying. I find going outside, even on a dull winter day does help. There is still more light outside then indoors even in the winter months

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