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The Bible: a book where the protagonist kills more people and in more brutal, sadistic fashion than the antagonist.

ErichZannIII 7 June 29

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I don’t recall the Satan character killing or doing damage to anyone, just whispering in the ear of the weak-willed and feeble-minded humans.

Unless of course anyone knows better!


Evolutionary processes being recorded as to how people are factors in the population control of the human animal?

Word Level 8 June 29, 2020

Indeed! The God of that great work of fiction called the Bible is an immorally indiscriminate mass murderer who was a greater threat to humanity than any devil ever was.

Confused illogical atheist aren't you? Fictional god didn't mass murder anyone. If you are saying on one hand the God thingie is non-existant, the it is not logical to then say the non-existent God thingie literally and really kill people while it was non-existent.

Then again, maybe that could be a way to explore the logic of how an all-powerful God thingie can be non-existent and existent at the same time.b. it would require some mighty all powerfulness to exist and not exist at the same time.

If you understood biblical text, the "god" of the bible is Lucifer the devil. Jesus angel lord of host.

@Word “Confused, illogical atheist?” I beg your pardon.

Please note that I identify the Bible as a work of fiction, enabling us to discuss the personalities in that book in the same manner as we might argue over the virtues and vices of the characters in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. In the absence of unbiased historical sources, one is left with the conclusion that none of these Biblical protagonists, including a so-called deity, were or are real—all is a fantasy. However, to claim that the Bible does not portray a murderous, petty and immoral God is to bury one's head in the sand and ignore the text, as written.

"Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, 'I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.'"
Genesis 6:11-13 (NIV)

@p-nullifidian First, generally speaking, discussing the biblical text as if fiction isn't too much of a problem except where facts that are in fact facts would not be deemed as not facts. For example, the nation of Israel really exist it is the focal setting for the dramas of the biblical text, it is not some lost country that has no trace of existence.

Second, you touch on several different points that could be discussed separately and with some things appearing the need to be clarified for your understanding. You said, " ... one is left with the conclusion that none of these Biblical protagonists, including a so-called deity, were or are real—all is a fantasy."

To go back to my first point about facts, your statement I quoted above has incorrectness in regard to facts. Here is a list of biblical characters purported to have archaeological verification and not characters of fantasy. Most may be irrelevant and not specifically protagonist but I would like to make note of one major character protagonist on the list: King David. If you find that this is a false list or incorrect information please feel free to let me know. Other wise, we can establish that as you said, "all is fantasy" would be incorrect. []

Does the fact atheism by definition and premise is illogical bother or offend you?
For brevity here, I wouldn't specifically cite all references but could if need be. As written almost exclusively, Jesus character refers to himself as "son of Man". This is to say man made. Then, Jesus character is quoted as to say, "Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'?''

People are Christians because of Jesus character and what he said and did. As quoted above Jesus character said that people are gods. Facts: biblical text has been peer reviewed for at least almost 2000 years, Biblical text has achieved Guinness book of world record for being most copied text of it's kind and as already stated, Jesus referred to the people as god's, the people are the creators of Jesus character. A trait of a god is to be a creator, parents create children and the people created Jesus character. These people-gods may not fit the definition or style of a Harry Potter or Willy Wanka god but none the less they are accepted to be god thingies that do in fact exist as people and gods. And there is the references that Christians are considered "Children of god." This would mean they are a God in a child state of existence. Just as a child of a homo sapiens may be a child with out the fullness of adulthood, it is none the less a homo sapiens. Is a chicken in the egg still a chicken? Is a maggot a stage of fly that has yet to fly? So, it is well accepted that people are in fact Gods that do in fact exist. Atheism Illogical.

Lastly, you said, " claim that the Bible does not portray a murderous, petty and immoral God." In the context of the example you gave I would rhetorically ask, Is it considered "murderous, petty and immoral" for a cattle rancher to destroy an entire herd of cattle because the cattle breading did not bring about some specific traits that the cattle rancher wanted to develop for a herd? Biblical god thingie considered "the good shepherd". For a sheep being slaughtered by a shepherd or eaten by a wild wolf it might be considered an evil experience for the sheep. Where as while grazing the pastor of luscious greens, the sheep may very well consider the shepherd as good for providing they such wonderful eats. And too, consider things done as evolutionary processes that bring about population control of the human animal as compared to the predator/prey relationship.

@Word "First, generally speaking, discussing the biblical text as if fiction isn't too much of a problem except where facts that are in fact facts would not be deemed as not facts."

This Rumsfeldian beginning was a harbinger of what came next which, try as I might, was beyond my comprehension. Clearly, I am not on your intellectual plane. Peace.

@p-nullifidian Go and think freely my illogical atheist friend, Think Freely!


What ever you do don't kill his dog or steal his car


He is an asshole with a quick temper for sure. He could definitely use some counseling.


Yes and recommends killing more often than peace by more than twenty times. And then hands out eternal infinite torture for finite sins.

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