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How many people have to die before action begins to have the cheeto removed?

dalefvictor 8 July 1

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As long as Mitch and his Republican Enablers are the majority in the US Senate, it doesn't appear anything will change … until next year..

Varn Level 8 July 2, 2020

Enough people so that a majority of Americans will know someone who has died. The aggregate pain will reach a threshold. Just like the war in Viet Nam.


Who, pray tell, is going to do the removing?

Goose-stepping Republicans?
Incompetent and complicit Democrats?
The conservative Supreme Court?
Protesters? Militias? Antifa? Civil war? Uncle Joe?

Aye, caramba!


Not many, if they're the right ones. Trouble is, the powerless ones are dying, while the powerful remain safe. Time to storm the Bastille!


Another 100k..


All of them? Democrats, that is. You know, because next it's Republicans, and that would be too far.

Feels that way doesn't it?

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