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**** just wondering... Does god give various cancers to children, cause vehicle accidents to over 200,000 victims worldwide every year, have bacteria and viruses claim a few million of us every year, start wars with huge amounts of death too (for his ego), and earthquakes, floods and drownings, etc... So as to call all those victims home???? As the church leaders claim???????? Not a happy at all

TEXTOM85 4 July 3

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A creator does not necessarily have to be a nice creator does it .this whole existence just may be the experiment of a deity that does not fit our perception of good and evil

Hypothetically, sure. Or we could be the failed experiment - the one that ended up in the trash bin. (But maybe we're the prize-winning project! Who knows what sort of standards gods have?)


My short, honest answer: No, God does not do these things, for the same reason that Thor, Gandolf, and the Easter Bunny do not do these things. So relax. It's all pretend.

My dishonest (but fun) answer: Yes, God does all these things and more, for the benefit of Her True Chosen Ones. You see, we've been looking at this all wrong, in such a human-centered way. God's True Chosen Ones are bacteria.

Don't tell me about reality! I caught my wife with Daffy Duck in my bed! Strangest noises coming from that room.

@PondartIncbendog I keep both dogs and ducks.

I can imagine. 😛

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