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i am scared.i have been single for a while now and i have been finding it difficult to get a mate.i had a relationship before but it was not healthy,always filled with fights.
should i continue searching or go back to the bad relationship ?
this single hood thing is scary.

lancewalter 3 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Understand you completely. Was married 28 years, she was an alcoholic the last 15, I found out the last 3. Thats 12 years of blaming myself for distancing, communication problems, etc.

Yet when I am lonely I still know there is one person that "gets" me the way others seem not to. And if I could trust her to fix things, I never would have left. Watching her keep making the same types of decisions, kept me sane the first year after the divorce, and now just convinces me I made the best decision.

Be patient, keep your head up, don't get jaded.

Dealing with alcoholic/addict spouse is very challenging. You want them to be able to change as they promise; in the end, mine was trying to convince me to start drinking/using with them and that just was not an option.

@sarbot yeah, I tried negotiating at first, how about just Friday nights with me so we can get a handle on it. Unfortunately nothing worked.


Be patient

bobwjr Level 10 July 9, 2020

You are very young. There is no reason to settle for someone who isn't right for you just to be in a relationship. The longer I stay single, the more I like being single.

Deb57 Level 8 July 8, 2020

Just stay single; the longer I'm single the more I like it!


Going back is not got out for a reason! Unless one or both of you has gotten extensive counseling?


You're unlikely to find a good partner if you're needy. Learn to be comfortable with yourself.


I'd say learn to be OK with being single first. It will make you a better partner when you do happen to find someone.

MsAl Level 8 July 4, 2020

you may do whatever you feel you need to. my experience leads me to believe that no relationship is better than a bad relationship.

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