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OK, so just the other day I was contacted by a person x on this site, asking for information about myself to get to know me a bit better. So here's my current situation...I am 40 years old, have never been in a relation with a person other than family. So this question sort of scared me. Needless to say I told this person an interest of mine (astrophysics) and the next day (today) I looked up and saw that this person had completely vanished from my profile...

VineetHonkan 7 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I may have been contacted by the same person, a woman in TX (supposedly). Her handle here was Marreen followed by a number. We exchanged a couple of messages, similar to what you described and then she vanished. I'm guessing that she was either a scammer (but I admit she didn't seem like one because none of our conversation was inappropriate or "red-flaggy" ) or she blocked me for some unknown reason. Weird.


Well if that person wasn't a scammer as others have suggested, then that was a really rude thing to do. Some people are just jerks.
Either way, scammer or not, I'm sorry that happened to you.


Use her to practice your communication skills - for when you meet a real one.


Check out the group "watchers" and see if they are listed as a scammer.


Did you ask yourself why they hadn't checked out your profile on here? And you do know you Never give out more than general info, right? This site has no protections any more than FB or wherever, always be cautious x 5!


I agree that this was probably a scammer, and I think it's disorienting even when it happens to a more experienced person. If it makes you feel better, it sounds like your sincere answer was disorienting for them as well and they had no idea how to scam astrophysics! That, or they thought you were on to them and were making a joke.

In any case, I believe you'll some day have contact with a more sincere person here, and it will be much more positive for you.

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