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Some people think we should live and let live . . . this is the result of that kind of thinking.

Archeus_Lore 7 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm more of a live and let die kinda person. As long as I'm not hurt by their idiocy, I can let most things go. I'm only responsible for myself and my actions and cannot control others, no matter how wrong I believe they are.

Would you consider your tax dollars going to a religious institution being "hurt"?


Not more than any other business. I don't support many ways my tax dollars are spent. Unfortunately for me, no one gives a shit about what I think. No reason to torture myself over things that I cannot change or control.


Live and let live on the sole condition that doing so does no harm


This country is bought and paid for. I still say live and let live.

barjoe Level 9 July 10, 2020
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