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How can this keep going on?

After lobbying, Catholic Church won $1.4B in virus aid


itsmedammit 8 July 10

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Trump wants to buy Christian votes.


That 1.4 Billion should have been given to the victims of Child sex abuse, not the Church

The Catholic Church is wealthy. The Vatican alone has 10 to 15 billion. They can pay for their own sins.

@itsmedammit The Vatican is worth way more than that. The catholic Church owns property around the world that is worth an estimated 2500,000,000,000 dollars. Yes.... thats over 2.5 Trillion Dollars. In Ireland where I live they own over 18 Billions Euros worth of Property

@dermot235 A couple of places put the Vatican's wealth around 10 to 15 billion, including this source :[]. The wealth of the entire Catholic Church is, of course, much greater but more difficult to estimate.

@itsmedammit True. It has been said that if the Vatican sold all the artworks it owns they could provide FREE education to the entire population of Latin America for 20 years. There wealth is staggering. I think 15 Billion is conservative. There are 20 pieces of art they own including sculptures by Michael Angelo that would be worth 10 billion alone. 15 billion is a very conservative estimate and I doubt it includes all the 1000's of pieces of art they own

@itsmedammit The Vatican Bank has assets of 8 billion alone. Is this included??

@dermot235 I have heard of all the riches in the Vatican. I think the bank is not included, but I don't really know how these things work.

I am assuming that the Catholic Church that received virus aid is an American entity and I don't know how much wealth they have and how it is held in relation to the rest of the Church. I'm just fairly certain they have enough money and do not need my tax dollars to run their outfit.

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