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LINK YouTube Dr Campbell, Global Increases

Globally covid19 increasing, and will continue to increase.

Another pneumonia is infecting with higher death rate than covid19. About 19 minutes into this video. Reported outbreak in Kazakhstan reported by Chinese embassy and denied by Kazakhstan.

EdEarl 8 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I read about this earlier this week! Now I am wondering if this is connected to global warming? And I want to wait and see how accurate is this information? At this late date...the β€˜world could be loosing it!’ 😒

I doubt enough is known to connect a virus to global warming. Although, they have found biology frozen in ice core samples, which makes plausible thawing glaciers will release a long sequestered virus into our environment. If the melted ice is more than mankind, the virus may not be infectious to us, but cross species infections do occur.

Climate change may be fatal to humanity, but we don't know.


I love Dr Campbell. I listen to his updates every day. He's a wonderful man and is very knowledge. He's not a medical doctor. He's a professor and nurse practitioner. I take my Vitamin D and Zinc everyday as per his instructions.

barjoe Level 9 July 10, 2020
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