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Does atheism make you more likely to be left or right wing?

I'm currently in a debate else where on the world wide web whether atheists are more likely to be 'right wing'.
I'm atheist, from the UK and a big supporter of Corbyn.
I personally believe the opposite but want to throw this open to everyone.
Hit me up...

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Joe420 3 Nov 25

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For many years I assumed that atheism naturally leads to humanism which naturally leads to leftist values. In recent years I have realized that I was wrong. There are a good many atheists who are right wing and not humanists.

Apologies for being blunt however I must ask whether you have doubts regarding your 'leftist beliefs'? I don't mean it provocatively, I am genuinely interested.


The left supports:

Women’s rights
Religious rights
Civil rights
Equality for all
Some limit on guns
Belief in evolution
Belief in Climate Change
Belief in science in general

I would say that the majority of atheists also support these things. It’s not cut and dried though.

gearl Level 8 Nov 25, 2017

Thank you Acinom16, I couldn't agree more.


Atheism shouldn’t have any significant influence on political party, but you can’t help and generalize that the majority of vocal atheists are liberals.


It might be different in the UK, but here in America, right wing only meant being conservative on political issues. Since the time of Eisenhower in the 1950’s, the right has been taken over by the christians, as an attempt to force their religion into the government, so I would have to say that atheists here identify more with the Left than the Right. Eisenhower even warned of the hazards of a religion taking over a political party. Sadly for us, the warning was ignored.


i wouldnt correlate atheism with political leanings

May I ask whether you personally have any political leanings?

I register as democrat so I can vote in the primaries but I can't say I completely identify with that party any more


I'm atheist and more centre - right. I don't like Theresa May, but I find myself more in accordance with Conservative values than with Labour's current fantasies. Jeremy Corbyn is a likeable man and an able orator, but he's surrounded himself with people who haven't got a clue what their jobs are.

Would you agree that Corbyn (and his party) are more likely to consider our (humanist) objections/ ideas than the Comservatives? I appreciate that Corbyn himself needs some work but simultaneously I strongly believe that May (and her pack) would readily disregard any information we would provide unless it aided (or could potentially aide) their own self interest.

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