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Time travel

If you you could travel in time, would you go forward or backward and why?

Namaste 7 July 11

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JFK was planning to withdraw from Vietnam AND cooperate with Soviets to get to the moon together making peace so close to nuke war over Cuban missiles owned by Kruschev


I would bomb Dealy Plaza an hour b4 JFK was murdered by LBJ crossfire so the planned assassins would be scared off along with the motorcade diverted safely


Forward. I don't know what going to be. I would want to go too far. 100 years

barjoe Level 9 July 12, 2020

Forward 200 years. Wearing a complete environmental suit.

You're betting there'll still be life?

@LucyLoohoo lol not necessarily


I'd love to go back in time and meet Hatshepsut, the first female Pharaoh! (Of course, being fluent in ancient Egyptian would be a necessity.) I want to know how....after two thousand years....she was able to pull off becoming Pharaoh! Whatta' woman!

Love her temple. Even up against the Taj Mahal or the Parthenon, it has to be a front runner for the worlds most beautiful building. The proportions and the way it sits in the landscape, if she did not design it herself she must have employed a genius architect.

@Fernapple need to read about Senenmut! He started out working in her stable and rose very quickly to become her architect. From the look of things...they had a ''close'' relationship. If you bribe a local guide to take you high above the mortuary temple, there are small caves where the workers ate and rested. On the walls there are some rowdy drawings of Senenmut and Hatshepsut "enjoying" one another. He also became a sort of guardian to some of her family. OH..and I love this part....he had the ceiling of her tomb covered with stars.

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