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Something to remember.

Jolanta 9 July 14

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Most Historians say that 80% of the War was fought on the Eastern front by The Soviet Union. They lost over 20 million civilians and over 3 million soldiers. Aside from the War, Stalin purged over 30 million of his own citizens in the Purges of the 1930's and the 1950's. Russia has had a tragic history. It's hard to think of any other country that has had such a tragic history for so long. Today, most of Russia's citizens live in poverty with 74% of the countries wealth owned by 1% of it's people. A wealth gap that makes the US look like a socialist paradise.

True, but however killing is killing. Russians were killed in their war, where as a mass number of civilians were killed by NATO and its allience, be it in IRAQ, VIETNAM, KOREA, YEMEN & Latin America.

@Helios I'm not sure what you are trying to say exactly.
I do agree that mass killings of civilians has been committed by european nations and the US. Funding of the contra's, carpet bombing in Vietnam etc etc. But Stalin Killed more of his own people that Hitler did. That's a tragic history that does not compare to any other country I can think of. Not on that scale at least. As for Russians were killed in Their war?. Russia has killed civilians in Syria, Afghanistan, Africa, Poland, Hungary and a lot more.

I am open to be corrected, but it reads to me like you are saying that killing your own civilians is better than killing other countries civilians. And if that is what you are saying Russia is guilty of this. Ask the people of Eastern Ukraine and they will tell you all about Russia killing civilians.

The Purges in Russia in the 1930's and the 1950's had nothing to do with war. They were about suppressing Dissent. They occurred in peace time.


Kursk is one of those monumental battles that often gets overlooked.

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