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LINK Rush Limbaugh floats conspiracy theory: New coronavirus cases “are being reported in states that Trump needs to win” | Media Matters for America

The most populous states are reporting infection rates... and they also have the most electoral votes. It is more a matter of population density that fuels the infection rates. That population density correlates with electoral votes is just a coincidence.

snytiger6 9 July 14

Enjoy being online again!

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That is actually true,states that take their advice from drump are going to have cases Soar in the next 2 months. Oh well......


Damnit, I didn't think they would take my rumor seriously, and it was just designed to get those knuckled headed maskholes to wear a damn mask...

But just in case you didn't hear it - the Deep State are having the military spray COVID-19 from chemtrail planes over Red states so there will be fewer Red state voters around to vote by November - liberals wear masks and stay home so they won't be affected (as much). Perfect conspiracy mash-up reverse psychology right?

PS. I'm only joking a bit 😉


Such a liar. Destroy our whole world to get to Trump? First of all it's only Florida. PA, WI an MI have flattened their curve, those are the swing states that Trump has to win. The morons that listen to him wouldn't know this because they're so fucking stupid. They're regurgitating this on Facebook as we speak.

barjoe Level 9 July 14, 2020

QMorons will believe any QAnonsense!

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