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I am in extreme pain today I have tried to comment on a couple responses but my hands are just not working and I give up. It is really devastating when the only way you can talk to people causes the extreme pain but obviously that is all I deserve

Dead 5 July 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I see a “Why don’t you...?” “Yes, but....” game being played here.
See Eric Berne’s book Games People Play.


My wife wears these to help with her arthritic pain in her hands, she say they work well for her when she is typing []

@Dead sorry to hear that


Speech to text software may help, there are some that are free. Speaking to the PC works pretty well in my experience. I use Voice Attack for gaming to issue what would be keyboard entries and it works very well. I speak a command and the software performs the task. This is a little different than speech to text but the same concept.


So sorry for your pain. So sorry for the ''all I deserve" feeling. Have you anyone to talk with in real life?


Your posts are very depressing so I suspect you are depressed. So are a number of other members and you're not helping.

Obviously, a speech to text app would help with your typing issue. Obviously, only a doctor has any chance of helping you with your pain. Obviously, medication for depression also starts with talking to a doctor and other forms of treatment are available from a therapist.

Change requires an effort from you and I sure wish you would do it because your woe is me attitude isn't helping anyone.

@Dead I didn't ask you for any explanations and yes, I will block you if you become uncivil.

I used my time to give you feedback about how you may be being received by others and my best ideas about how you could help yourself.

I think your self-pity is keeping you from moving forward and that's why you did not receive my message in the spirit it was intended. I know it's hard to move forward when you don't feel well, I just hope that you'll try.


I'm with ATB. You don't deserve any pain or discomfort. No one does.

I hope you can find some comfort.

phil21 Level 7 July 21, 2020

I'm sorry about the pain. That sucks.

I'm not sure what "deserving" has to do with it, though?

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