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This is the poster child for white privilege, white supremacy, and hypocracy. Agree or disagree.

t1nick 8 July 25

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I do not understand how these people can do this and sleep at night. Perhaps upside down?


She is pretty and blonde and knows her place.

Have you ever noticed that all of the women surrounding Trump ae exaclly the same. Stepford wives ala politics.


I loathed her when she used to appear on CNN, especially with her 'friend' Cuomo, bullshitting apologisms for Trump, that were laughably absurd, and he even said so to her. Even then she would invoke her so-called conservative Christian credentials. That was before she ass kissed herself into this 'job'. I think she needs a brain scan, like a lot of these braindead right-wingers, to check for blockages to the reasoning part of the brain. Alternatively, she knows that Trump is scum, and she figures the high profile will advance her 'career'. If that is so, then she is merely a moral vacuum and self-promoting opportunist.

I came to the exact same conclusion 3 years ago.


She's just a spinner.. She spins reality to make the White House administration look as good as possible.. Basically a liar...

She used to be Trump spokesperson on CNN. Chris Cuomo kicked her off CNN entirely for regularly and openly lying on interviews on his show..

@t1nick that's what I said, a liar. 😋


More like the poster child for bourgeois Philistine stupidity.


Corrupt bitch

bobwjr Level 10 July 26, 2020

And stupidity, don't forget.


I wouldn't call her the poster child, I'd call her in the spokesperson for White privilege.


Who is she?

Trump's press secretary, Kaylee mcinerney ( or something like that)


Definitely agree. She's a fucking clueless fruitcake.

With a Harvard degree no less. She was just like Rubio. Cruz, and Graham, declaring Trump a racist and misogynist publically before the election, them suchophant and opportunist after the election.

@t1nick I would be seriously shocked if that degree was earned rather than bought. She probably used the same test takers Trump did.


Thats why I called her a poster girl for white privilege. Influence purchasing because of her white and economic status.

@t1nick Have you seen the stories about their daughter? I heart her. She is/was a teenage anti-Trump activist on Tik Tok. Eventually her mother forced her off social media, but just before that she posted a video of them arguing over her phone and her mom taking it away. Clearly, the dad and daughter are the only ones in that family with functioning brain cells.


I feel for her daughter and Kelly Ann Conways kids. The role models they are getting are ultimately going to make them very dysfunctional adults

@t1nick So do I...I can't imagine what it would be like to have that empty headed piece of shit for a mother. Best case scenario, they learn from them what NOT to be as adults. Not impossible, but takes one helluva strong will to get there.


Unfortunately. will may not be enough. I do not know what their homelife is like, but without the socialization provide by being in school and around responsible adults and their peers, there is no competing role models for them to compare with.


She and Ivanka Trump should share that dubious crown!

Kayleigh McEnany made that choice to be the spokesperson for Trump. Ivanka is family. Trump was tired of Sarah Huckabee waddling up to the podium so he hired an anorexic. Kellyann Conway is the real disgusting pig.

@barjoe And so's Ivanka.

@LucyLoohoo The government spokesperson for Goya Foods?

@barjoe That one! She who said ''Find something new" to those whose jobs disappeared recently. She who suddenly received money from the taxpayers to help with her ''business losses.'' She who has the unmitigated GALL to speak on media representing the pustule. THAT ONE.

Her and Ivanka may end up running a cupcake shop called "Two Dumb Bimbos".

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