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A chimpanzee's finger and a human finger. Identical in practically every aspect. We don't come from primates, we are primates.

We are not a race, we are a species. We are animals. We are mammals. We are a product of nature. We belong to it and we are a part of it.

AmmaRE007 7 July 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Religion tells self serving LIES ....THE MURDER of other species via destruction of habitat or direct shooting stabbing poisoning drowning or starving them in cages is more evidence the bible lies must be repudiated in public schools rather than worshipped or misquoting tiny excerpts


Interesting. I’ve never seen the similarities so closely.
BTW, am I trolling when I say our most distant known ancestors are pond scum?


Interesting. I wonder how fingernail growth is controlled in chimpanzees and other non-human primates.


Biological -Genetic classification in Humans is a myth: Here you go Bobby9!

t1nick Level 8 July 27, 2020


I agree with you. Popular myth often classifies persons by their physical attributes (phenotype). But genetically its a myth, and it remains important that we overcome these racial stereotypes if we want to bring the country together. Its deeply entrenched in society and will be difficult to overcome, but have to start somewhere.

Another reason that race does not exist genetically is the mobility that typifies the human species. Part of the biological/genetic definition requires geographical isolation. Because humans are not limited by a lack of mobility, every group genotypical group have interred worldwide. So every human gene pool has been intermixed with one another. So everybody some small piece of every other human group in their genome.


Not arguing the point, go back a few million years and somewhere we all came from the same mom. A chimp is 5-7 times as strong as an adult male human though, don't get into a fight with one. If chased, try to get into a body of water, they can't swim. 🙂

@jorj Last year I would have said Chimp attacks are extremely unlikely in the US. 2020, anything is possible, good thinking.



bobwjr Level 10 July 26, 2020

Our DNA is greater than 98.5% percent identical to a chimpanzees. Both chimpanzees and Homo branched off the same phylogenetic lineage, the same lineage that gorillas branched. The most recent common ancestor to all three was not an ape, but approaching primate-like. We did not evolve from apes, we evolved parallel to and contemporaneous with chimps, bonobos, gorillas, and orangs. To be clear, we are not descended from apes. In the Jurassic and Cretaceous, our common ancestor was a small arboreal, insect-eating mammal (almost rodent like). After the dinosaur extinction at the end of the Cretaceous, mammals and birds became the dominant taxa. Our ancestors increased their size, came down out of the trees and expanded their diets.

t1nick Level 8 July 26, 2020

Yes, I agree..


Yep. I have a "family portrait" on the wall, showing various stages of the evolution of our species. It hangs with all the other pictures of more recent family members. I think that it is good to remember where we came from.

We came from a single mother in Africa 386 thousand years ago by tracing her RNA in all our genes


Sounds biblical to me

Word Level 8 July 26, 2020

How so?


Humans acting superior and keeping animals in zoos or murdering them for trophies while we are destroying the planet is the ultimate proof that we are not any better than them, we are worse than them.

@jorj . I don't see anything wrong with hunting for food and eating it, as long as stays with your family and friends and you respect endangered animal species. I grow vegetables for my own table and cannabis for my own edibles.


Absolutely. The way some people act it's an insult to chimpanzees.

barjoe Level 9 July 26, 2020
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