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Some friends are worth loosing if it means being truly happy.

Jolanta 9 July 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Sometimes a few relatives, too...just because you happen to be related to them does not mean they must be in your life


Absolutely. Letting go is never easy, but people grow...sometimes they grow together and sometimes they grow apart. I have found that being selective in the people I consider 'friends' has left me with fewer, but far more rewarding relationships than trying to cling to ones that have become toxic, energy suckers. Peace is priceless.


Some 'philosophies' I (try to) live by :

"Sugar coating leads to truth decay" -- Swami Beyondananda
I say what I mean and mean what I say -- that doesn't make me a mean person.
Why should ANYONE suffer (what they consider to be) foolishness in silence ? I don't, and I sincerely wish no one did.

I don't use the word 'friend' lightly. πŸ™‚

Catchy phrase. I like it.

Oh, that’s where the sugar coating comment came from. He’s great 😊 just looked up this one:

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