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Karl Popper


Mcflewster 8 July 31

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I have some time thought that there was only one source of knowledge ..... observation and the rest of science methodology. In fact I have asked one or two Christians " Why do we need two sources of Knowledge? " Would god have completely no use for methodologies like those in science? And yet "Man is made in the image of God"
I do not see that Inspiration is a source of knowledge. Inspiration is an excitement (or energy boost) which gives you the momentum to find out the reason why you should copy the source doing the inspiring.

"Tradition which is probably the most important source of knowledge" Whilst I value some traditions i hate others - e.g Wigs on Barristers.I think Tradition is just a way of sometimes retaining the sometimes annoying views of elders [and betters?}.
Sympatheic understanding can certainly only come from scientifics processes started by lots of questions

I agree the definition of "inspiration" as used above is faulty!

@AnneWimsey Thanks . No one including great men can get it right all of the time. What about sympathetic understanding and tradition?

@Mcflewster rethinking: sometimes "inspiration" is the result of one's subconscious making connections between known info that just never "came together"in a particular way before. So, nevermind!

@AnneWimsey That is a very good point. Tradition?

@Mcflewster tradition can be a huge help if you dislike it & try to find ways over, under, or around it....."we have always done it this way" is IMO deadly! Except for Xmas food.....

@AnneWimsey "Except for Xmas food....." like your whole comment but especially this quoted bit.

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