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Logging off

Well since my laptop is down I checked this out on my phone but now I can't figure out how to log off. Can anyone help me out?

Looking4-Others 8 Aug 3

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(on my desktop) My login ID (upper right) has a 'drop-down' menu, which has 'Logout' at the bottom. ymmv

@Looking4-Others I (by choice) have no smartphone. There should be a 'menu' with your login ID at the top. That is typically where the logout option is. ymmv


Y u need to log off ?
I only use my phone . I have no clue what my password is for here . Haven’t used a password for 2 years , so if I log off , that’s it for me 😂. If u do log off , let me know if they have a “ forgot my password “ set up !!!

IPhone or Android?

@barjoe iphone !

@Pralina1 I have android and retrieving your saved password is ready if you saved it. You could reset it with forgot password link to your email. I've never been able to afford an iPhone but if your password is saved. This should help. []

@Looking4-Others On top to the left of the "A" press the menu (three horizontal lines) the bottom line is LOGOUT.

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