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Is This a Sea Change, or What?

BirdMan1 8 Aug 6

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Background on from Media No judgment,just info.

Overall, we rate Raw Story Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left and Mixed for factual reporting due to half-true, false and unproven claims, as well as promotion of mild pseudoscience misinformation.
Detailed Report
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 45/180

Raw Story was founded by John K. Byrne in 2004, as a liberal alternative to the Drudge Report. According to their About Page they describe themselves as “an investigative news nexus that highlights underreported news and rejects the traditional media narratives of power and influence.”

Currently, the Executive Editor and Publisher is Roxanne Cooper. For a full list of staff please see their Masthead. Raw Story is headquartered in Washington DC, and as of April 2018, Raw Story Media Inc. acquired the New Civil Rights Movement (politics and civil liberties site) and (a left leaning online news site).

Read our profile on United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

John Byrne is the founder, CEO and majority owner of Raw Story Media. Michael Rogers is a partner in Raw Story Media and publisher of the online news site, Raw story uses third-party advertising for revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Raw Story is mostly a news aggregation site that aggregates news from AFP and Reuters. Raw Story also summarizes news from other sources such as this: “Irate customer drags salon owner 50 feet to her death after running out on manicure without paying.” Infrequently, they publish original stories such as this: Trans activist detained in Arizona and threatened with deportation due to bureaucratic catch-22. Raw Story consistently utilizes strong emotionally loaded headlines such as “Trump insists border wall will be ‘all concrete’ — except where it’s ‘see-through’: ‘Makes sense to me!’” and “MSNBC’s Morning Joe mocks ‘confused’ Trump over shutdown boasts: ‘Voters are blaming him’”.

When it comes to sourcing, Raw Story generally sources to credible media outlets such as the Washington Blade, Las Vegas Review-Journal, and the St. Louis Post Dispatch. In general, story selection always favors the left and frequently has an anti-Trump tone. Raw Story has published misleading articles that promote miracle cures such as this one: Scientists discover virus that kills all grades of breast cancer ‘within seven days’. This headline is misleading, as within the article they clearly state “but not in normal mammary epithelial cells.” When it comes to consensus science, they sometimes promote anti-GMO propaganda, however they also publish credible scientifically sound information as well.

A factual search reveals a Half-True claim from Politifact as well as a false claim and an Unproven claim with Snopes.

Overall, we rate Raw Story Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left and Mixed for factual reporting due to a half-true, false and unproven claims, as well as promotion of mild pseudoscience misinformation. (5/15/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 7/26/2019)

Once again, you are playing the same tired tune! It matters not what their "bent" is, what matters is whether, or not, what they are reporting is factual...period!
So, now, show me how she is not taking on the NRA!

That's the problem in this country. People do not care about credibility of their sources. they quote anybody or anything. That's why the intelligence quotient is falling so far behind the rest of the western industrialized world. We become dumber and dumber daily in this country.

If you don't want to know about the source, don't read it.


I was disappointed. I was hoping she was suing the Trump Organization.


. . . seems like a Sisyphus task . . .

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