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I absolutely abhor statements like, "I heard from (preacher, uncle, hick on Youtube) that ____" when these statements are used as a means of support for a belief or to back up knowledge based on conjecture. People can't seem to differentiate between opinion, idea, and fact. "If I believe it to be true and my brother's minister said it's true, then it must be true." Even before becoming atheist, I hated when someone used this type of phrase. Now I see it all the time during discussions or debates.

I needed to get that out. I feel better now. Not really sure what category this belongs to.
Have a great day!

Dorkyndaft 6 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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What I’ve become sick of is trump’s “Everyone’s saying” statements… I suspect a couple kissbutt’s told him what he wanted to hear … instantly becoming ‘Everybody!’ Glad you found Atheism, and do share those thoughts ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 7, 2020

I think the Internet and social media are the biggest sources for information and “beliefs” held in this modern yardstick for evidence needed to “like” and “share” with others! Welcome to the site...we really do try to be more objective here!

"("beliefs" ) no yardstick for evidence" "try to be more objective"

(not claiming you are wrong about it)
I see those two as contradictory. 😮

(in general, not directed personally)
When "called-out" for a non-credible source or opinion-as-fact comment, I experience plenty of 'non-objectivity'.

Folks I encounter ALL say the want honesty -- IMO, requiring objectivity.
Are they being honest about it ?

@FearlessFly I stand by what I posted...people say they believe things that they have read or heard about with not a shred of evidence...that’s fact. I expect people are being honest when they say they believe something, even though some of these things seem to be quite incredible and beyond reason. It appears that many people cannot distinguish between credible sources and faux news, especially Americans who watch Fox News and Brits who read the Tabloid press. These same people are the ones who love to share this fake news with others on Social Media.


I agree. How tough is it to add 'IMO' ? 😛


We can always find support for our opinions if we look hard enough. Lol. Even how I match my clothing!


Nice rant, if it makes you feel better feel free to rant here whenever you like, it is a very sympathetic and easy going site, as long as you are not preaching. And you are not.’s sometimes just good to unload!

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