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Who here has come out as an atheist in their families? I want to be able to make it clear to all my relatives that I don't believe in God and that there's nothing they could do to get me to change my mind.

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I'm didn't come out as atheist because I never claimed to be one. I have made it clearly known that I don't agree with Christanity.


My parents are/were pentacostal and my Mom in particular was "worried" about me because she had a clue, I think. I never did come out to her because she was sick and toward the end of life. After she died, I didn't shout it from the roof tops, but everyone knows. I never really gave a shit about what my Dad thinks about anything. But I did tell him point blank. And his new wife. She looked at me like I had grown 2 horms. Since, she is very cool toward me, which I also don't give a shit about.


My family have always known. We accept that we are on different paths and don't engage each other about religion, abortion, trump, etc. Plenty of other things to talk about.


Everyone knows I'm atheist. It caused a slight rift with one of my sisters 30+ years ago, but we were never close anyway. Rift faded somewhat as her children grew up and despite all the Catholic Schools she put them through, some if not all her kids married atheists, haha! Gotta be who you are. In the long run, you'll gain their respect.

Oh the irony! Lol. Wait, is it irony or bound to happen? Lol

Yes, I remember one comment when my sister was raising her little ones, my niece asked her to put a clip in her hair "so she could be pretty like Aunt Julie" and my sister retorted, "You don't want to be like Aunt Julie, she doesn't even believe in God!" Who knows what other comments were made to make me out to be some sort of ogre. But in the end, they chose the path that felt right for them. Kids are in their their 30's now.


I don't think you'll ever convince them. Most of my family knows but they ignore it. They think I'm just in a phase and they pray one day I'll come around. As my grandmother keeps telling me, "there are no atheists in foxholes"

Sadly, I think you might be right. I come from a pretty big Catholic family. Only my 2 younger brothers and one of cousins are non believers. I don't associate with my family much nowadays but that's because of their lack of respect for me not my lack of beliefs.

The original adage says that there re no atheists in a lifeboat. There are atheists in foxholes. I am a veteran of a few wars and numerous smaller operations. I spent time(s) in the foxhole while being shot at and shelled. the idea of "god" (no capital G) did not even cross my mind


I can't do it. I still play the game when I'm around them.

Ange Level 5 Apr 7, 2018

I do that too sometimes but mostly around folks who had traumatic experiences in life. I swear, some people will do ANYTHING to get you to think like them.


My family has known since I was 12. Most have long given up. Except maybe my brother. He converted to Mormon I think he still thinks there is a chance I will convert.


I never felt the need to "come out" - my relatives don't ask me about my beliefs and I don't ask them about theirs. I happen to know that my grandparents regularly attended church, my mother is a mormon and that I have relatives that believe but aren't active in their local church. I know these things through casual conversation and observation - none of which motivated me to "come out". Being an anti-theist doesn't define who I am and so I don't feel the need to wear it on my sleeve.


I think my family has known about me for quite some time. I've have never really declared my atheism to them, but they get my drift. And to their credit, they don't bash me for it, either.

I think my family knows too but don't really say anything. But then again, I don't associate with the family much nowadays


I have, but I regret it for my folks. They just had their 90th birthdays, are in an assisted living facility, and are both rapidly losing mental acuity. My Mom worries about my sister, who decades ago, told her there was no god, and my Mom cries every time she says my sister might be going to hell. It does cheer her, though, when I remind Mom that her belief is "once saved, always saved" and that she will see her daughter in heaven...until she forgets again. Even though I told my folks a few years ago that I no longer believe, I think Mom has forgotten. For that I'm grateful.

So, please be careful who you tell. It's okay to keep some things from some people. I consider it to be like a person's sexuality. My brother told me he was gay when we were both young, yet he was not going to tell everyone because of the hurt it would cause some. (Most people close to us figured it out anyway, so there's that about atheism, too.)

I'll try to be careful.


Hope it goes well!

Marz Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

I'm totally out, to family & everyone else. I have about 12 'atheist' t-shirts' that I wear often, tho I will admit I won't usually wear it when my youngest sister visits from OR as I see no reason to rub her face in it & I see her so seldom. But I also have an "atheist atom" tat on my right forearm, so that's there no matter what!


I just let life flow and little by little ,being an Atheist comes out. I know my Facebook posts have pretty much made my religious views known. In general conversation, I usually just say I'm non-religious and it comes out from there. I know it can be harder when you're in your 20s and you don't want to start a family uprising. I'm "lucky" that being in my 60s now, and not seeing the light till I was in my late 40s, I don't have anyone I have to answer to. With age, comes idontgiveashititis.


I have not been given the chance to tell my family my beliefs. I haven't seen many of them in years, but even if I had the chance I don't know that I would let them know. Generally, we didn't speak about religion, so there was no reason in which to bring it up.


I would have a different approach. If they could prove god existed, then of course I would change my mind! It's all about evidence and reason.


I wouldn't make a special announcement unless you happen to come from a particularly religious family. Just bring it up as it fits in the conversation. My family was a bit shocked, they didn't understand it, but eventually I feel fairly accepted. It really doesn't even come up in conversation anymore. Definitely better to be out of the atheist closet than in. ?


I don't get confrontational with my relatives. Its only wear everybody out and accomplish nothing. They believe what they want, I don't. I can't change them, they can't change me. Why even bother? .... Works for me anyhow


Why do you have to announce it? Be who you want to be. They will figure it out and what they don't understand then they will ask.

Good point! Never thought about it that way. Thanks!

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