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LINK Virginia mayor urged to resign after saying Biden picked 'Aunt Jemima as his VP'

A Virginia mayor is facing calls for his resignation over a Facebook post in which he said that Joe Biden "just announced Aunt Jemima" as his running mate.

snytiger6 9 Aug 14

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He should resign after doing something so stupid.


The first qualification for political office is being smart enough to know not to say openly stupid racist things unless your constituents are mostly white and racist. This guy may have just assumed that all white people in his town think like him. And a few decades ago, he probably would have been right.


(Banging my head on the desk.)

"Presgraves, 77, added that it does not reflect what is in his heart."

Oh, REALLY? And now, he says he's sorry, which of course means it'll all be forgotten?

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