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One of my local churches posts the creepiest signs.

graceylou 8 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you, I'll stay at the bottom ! Lol

Yes, I prefer to be downwardly mobile.


typical Christian view of their cosmic slavery religion under their slave owner God. Yuk.


I passed one of those attention-seeking places with their readerboard denouncing ‘Atheists.’ Using their quote, I ripped em another one with a letter to the editor. Sure, I likely ended up on some shitlists.. But not one attempt at a rebuttal.

Varn Level 8 Aug 14, 2020

This was actually taken and posted online originally by someone else from town. This town is rural and conservative, and pretty much everyone is religious. But everyone feels creeped out by this sign. This church is right across from an elementary school too.

@graceylou The one I’d responded to was in a ‘swing district,’ but the crazies were of course the ‘church goers’ 😕


Too bad some don't take it seriously although it is a word from God. I have been saying that to my women for years.


it worked for the First Lady! 🙂


I don't know that it's the best way, but it seems to work for some.

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