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Hello. Is this how I start a topic? Got to learn somehow.
I'm new here. I'm not very political. I just want to exchange a few humble, everyday comments with a few humble, everyday human beings, without having invisible beings brought into it.
If anyone wants to write privately, great. That is NOT to say I want it to have anything to do with sex. Just the stop by and say who you are and how you're doing kind of talk.

Anne1954 4 Aug 16

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Hello and welcome to the site Anne. You’ve broken the ice nicely, by making a post to say hello and introducing yourself to us...that’s a great step in the right direction. There are also lots of groups which you may like to join, depending on your interests...just browse and get the feel of things here, you will soon get to know us. Above all - have fun!


Here's a couple of tips. (as the rabbi said, handing them over to his twin sons.)
If you wish to reply to a particulat person, type an at symbol ( @ ) directly in front of their name. Eg. @ followed by Anne1954 gives @Anne1954. As you will see, the name then highlights.
If you wish to italicise a word or phrase, place an asterisk ⭐ before and after the word.
To highlight something in bold text, use double asterisks. ⭐⭐
To REALLY go to town, use triple asterisks, thus getting bold AND italic
(Don't forget the terminating asterisks!)
Note. You cannot show an ordinary asterisk, as it becomes a formatting symbol, but if you enclose it in parentheses you get a nice, big, yelliw star instead.


I've just taken a look at your profile. I presume as you get to enjoy this site you'll add more to it, and extend your bio.
To view someone's profile, simply click on their name on any of their ppsts or comments. From the profile, you can then read other posts and comments they have made - and get an idea of whether they are worth following.
You can also message them from there.
Meanwhile, welcome to the world of logic and reasoning, where only the tooth fairy is welcome.


Hello and welcome. Enjoy the site and if you have time do check out the groups, there is something for everyone, and certainly they will reassure you that the site is about a great dell more than politics. That is just a false impression given by the front page.


Hi Anne, welcome. Look out for loonies, watch where you step. Some one didn't sweep up after the party.
Don't take any wooden coins and look out for bats. This is bat country.

But maybe she likes batty people!


Welcome to the community.


Hi Anne. Welcome and hello. I'm just a few hundred miles south of you in Georgia... so we're practically neighbors, but not really.

I'm doing okay, but that's normal for me.

Look around a bit. There are various groups here that might interest you. Though I usually just go to the homepage and look at recent posts to see if anything interests me enough to post a response.

Take care. 🙂


Welcome. Yep. You seem to be right. Just start writing and people often write back.

You can be as gregarious as you want or be a mostly vicarious lurker like me.
You'll find that it tends not to be too judgmental around here.🙂

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