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If there is an almighty powerful god why can't he get rid of this virus? Oh I know, because there is no god....

vetty87 4 Aug 16

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I agree. It is sad they are keeping the churches open so they can worship the imaginary person in the sky but yet they close restaurants and businesses that are trying to support themselves and families.


Why did he (or she) make the virus in the first place

Jbrew Level 4 Dec 11, 2020

Been riding past numerous church reader-board signs attempting to convince us of the opposite... No, if their god’s got everything under control, why are they both spreading and dying from this tiny virus? There is not god ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 16, 2020

Ah, but, yes, well you see god also created the virus too and taking it away would deny the virus its free will and gods ways are not our ways, and, AND god works in mysterious ways and ours is not not reason why... does that answer you question cos if if not you'll burn in hell YOU HEATHEN!!!!!


Nah, the god is the virus!

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