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I have been having spells of dizziness and feeling sick. Not sure if I should go to the doctor. Has anyone experience it? Would appreciate someone who also has this problem.

Jolanta 9 Aug 23

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Please see a doctor. Don't ignore it. If it turns out nothing serious, at least it will give you peace of mind.


My iron was low when i had those symptoms, would definitely see the doctor, it’s good to check it’s nothing more serious.


By all means go to a doctor and tell them everything, I have to agree with @Pralina1, she has to see a lot of people that wait too late.


Yes . U will go to the car shop if car starts making funny noises . Body more important . Pls see md / np .
Could be something simple as vision changes , bp issues , ear / sinus issues , dehydration , or something more serious.
Pls get your self to general practitioner , and make visit worth :
Schedule an apnt for 3 days later .
Bring record of twice a day bp readings w u . At sitting and standing .
Bring record of fluid intake / daily .
Be ready to answer for caffeine / etoh intake / salt intake .
If glasses / contact , bring px and date of last exam .
Just in case , go to apnt w empty stomach for 8 hrs ( blood work ).
Stress level ?
Feel better soon ma'am. Hugs .


See a doctor soon

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 23, 2020

Go to the doctor, or at least call.


Are you expecting?

Only a good time.


Call you doctor. It's tough these days. Leave a message explain your symptoms. Do you feel like you could have a fall? Do you have any pains? Do you feel short of breath? If it turns out to be nothing, no problem. Remember, praying doesn't help.


Phone the doctor's office and describe your symptoms. Let them tell you if you need to be examined.


Do you think you might have Benign Positional Vertigo? I have this periodically, and the symptoms are awful: the room spinning around, nausea, and if you sit upright and don't move, things stop spinning. I think that is the difference between BPD and something else; it depends on your position. It is not serious, but can require physical therapy, which stops it in a matter of a half hour or so. Call your doctor right away.


Could be something you ate?


Do you have a way to check your blood pressure? Are you getting enough fluids (64oz/ day for good hydration)? It could easily be something as simple as dehydration but could also be many other things. Low blood pressure, low blood sugar, infection... my recommendation would be the same as @Dorkyndaft's , to call your doctor and follow their guidance, as they are better aware of your history and risks. Hope you get some answers (and feel better) soon.


Could be anything from inner ear infection, vertigo, sinus pressure, blood pressure, hormones, diet. You should seek medical advice. I am prone to sinus and ear trouble, migraines, AND I have Grave's disease. So, occasional dizziness and nausea come with the territory. Thos are symptoms of many things. Please see a professional. Wish you the best and hope you feel better!

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