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Feds Charge Former Green Beret with Espionage with Russia


The two prosecutions “demonstrate that we must remain vigilant against espionage from our two most malicious adversaries — Russia and China,” Assistant Attorney General John Demers, the Justice Department’s top national security official, said in a statement.

Still waiting for the prez, the sec of state, the sec of any military branch to condemn Russia for paying to kill our guys by the Taliban. And, just to note, it was an assistant attorney general who announced this.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Aug 24

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Of course not Трамп сосет член Путина

When I was in the military, I used to keep a copy of the Cyrillic alphabet above my desk to help identify Russian ships. Seems the language and their alphabet are in sync, way more than English.

@Beowulfsfriend Today all you need is a phone

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