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LINK Trump tweets it’s his “great honor” to be the “most pro-gay president in American history” / LGBTQ Nation

I put this is the "Silly, Random and Fun" category because his tweet is just silly, and shouldn't be taken seriously... even if he expected it to be taken seriously.

snytiger6 9 Aug 24

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One of the best Presidents ever


At this point in his presidency, does that surprise anyone that he said that? I mean really.


That might be the biggest lie he has told while in office.

@MissKathleen you make a good point.


He does seem to enjoy and be good at sucking Putin's dick. Maybe that's what he's gettng at. 😛

He only dreams of being Putin.


The most pro gay? Kicking transgender out of the military. Supporting fundamentalist Christians who persecute gays. He's lies everytime he tweets or speaks.

Reminds of a class track:

@girlwithsmiles that's fitting!

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