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LINK Republican convention lies put news broadcasters in awkward spot

There's no clean and perfect way to clean up all the lies and false claims.

snytiger6 9 Aug 26

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It's shame lots of people don't understand that Trump is bullying the press to make himself look better.


Not really. The corporate media is on the same side as both major parties when it comes to all the most important issues: Economics, war, taxes, foreign policy, civil liberties of citizens, trade policy, climate change, and corporate power. All the other issues where the parties differ and pretend to be bitter opponents are just a sideshow of theater. So it really doesn't matter whether the corporate media points out lies from either party on the less important issues, it won't make any difference in how the rich and corporations get whatever they want from the government. The corporate media never points out lies from either party on the list of most important issues I listed. They just act as stenographers on those issues.


Donald Trump Jr is a moron lying to morons. About PP&E?

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