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Does anyone have any suggestions for good ground coffee flavors?

I bought 3 reusable K-Cup filters for my Keurig. Idk any good ground coffees out there that they sell at Wal-Mart in the US. I just wanted to hear some suggestions and your opinions on your choice of coffee. Thanks.

Sarahroo29 8 Apr 8

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I cold brew. The bitterness stays in the grounds. If you like it, it’s good.


I like plain coffee, you can always get flavored creamers and other flavors to add.

JimG Level 8 June 7, 2019

First off, I’d discard the Keurig. Keurig cups are environmentally unsound. Get yourself a 5 cup percolator (Mr. Coffee is inexpensive) and a grinder. Fresh ground in the morning is always a delight. As to flavor, it’s really what turns you on that counts. My wife likes flavored coffees, and I am a strict Colombian fan.

We have a Keurig knockoff at work, I bought a reusable filter for it. My biggest complaint is that I have to fill the filter twice to make a decent cup of coffee.


Kona blends are nice

bobwjr Level 10 June 7, 2019

Buy a burr grinder and then buy whole beans. I often buy Pikes Starbucks at either Ross or TJ Maxx where it's cheaper. When I run out of that I buy Aldi's whole beans. I agree with another poster if you start with whole beans it's always better. I also think the Burr grinder does a much better job and you have more control over the density of the ground beans. I've heard you need a medium density for your brewing system. Thank you for buying reusable cups instead of trashing the environment.


I don't drink coffee much though.

Oh, okay.


Try 8 O' Clock ground hazlenut.

I got Dunkin Donuts.

@Sarahroo29 I like Dunkin Donuts coffees and mix flavors.


The best ground coffee is Fair Trader German Roasted Coffee, available through Aldi's Grovery Stores. It comes in Mild and Regular; is ground finer than American coffee and comes in a 16oz brick for less that $ 6.00. And yes, I am prejudiced because it is a German coffee.

I've never heard of the coffee or the store.

@Sarahroo29 Sorry about that.

@Spinliesel Colorado sucks.


Buy beans a grind them yourself. much nicer.

Which kind?

well, I don't think it matters too much but just the smell as they grind is amazing and its the only way to actually have fresh coffee. I buy different ones for different flavours and to find my favourite ones but they are all nice.

@LeighShelton I love the smell of freshly ground coffee.



I don't drink coffee, but my husband is a coffee aficionado. He usually gets his coffee from World Market, but when that isn't available the drinks Eight O'clock Columbian. They carry it at our Wal-Mart.

Hmmm... Yummy.


My favorite is coffee flavor. I don’t do Walmart, ever. But at King soopers they carry Daz Bog brand coffee. They have many great ones to choose from.

Okay, how much for a small bag?

@Sarahroo29 that’s the great part, at least at the store near me. You can fill your own bag and grind it there. So you can chose however much you want or can afford. I think it’s about 6 or 7 bucks a pound.

@Tony80223 Not bad at all.


I usually like whole bean coffee, etierh vanilla nut, hazel nut, or chocolate macademia nut. Store the geans in the frreezer and frind it fresh each morning. With the whoel beans, I can make due with whatever grocery stores carry in bulk.



My 2 favorites are, Chock Full of Nuts and Eight O'clock coffees. Both at Wal-Mart in my area.

That sounds good to me.


My standard is French vanilla. If not available then hazelnut. Smooth then spicy. There's also chocolate but I can't tell the difference in that one than a reg brew

I like chocolate drinks.


I am a strong coffee person



My first instinct was to go all butch and suggest fricken cawfee flavored coffee. But with the option of variety available why not take advantage? For me, there's the trinity: french roast, hazelnut and irish cream. One's got bite, the other is mild and one in the middle.

Yummy. Is it at Wal-Mart?

@Sarahroo29 Dunno. At least two of them are pretty common flavours up here. Many brands of instant have approximations. I'd be surprised if you could find them. Good luck all the same.

@Hicks66 Thanks.


Bubble gum...

I drink one cup a day and use instant. Cafe Bustelo Instant Espresso is really good, smooth, rich...I like it a lot...look for the yellow label. They also make non-instant coffee.

Is that the brand name?

@Sarahroo29 yes.....

@Agr8m8 Okay.


Dunkin Donuts



NO Flavor! Not hazzlenut, no almond, just coffee.

coffee flavored coffee, now there's a concept....hahaha


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