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"Pray for Louisiana and Texas"
This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I was just about to ask her what good praying would do if god is the one that brought the hurricane to Texas and Louisiana.
She wouldn't get to use the Man's Free Will defense. I decided that like most discussions trying to understand people's religion, it would do more harm than good and I didn't want to mess up our friendship. So I'm venting here. Thanks for the forum.

lerlo 8 Aug 27

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In my opinion All people look for strength within their souls and lives to find a place of permanency to call a home. We try to establish roots to grow and have a family.. whether you pray for it or wok hard for it it provides some commonality. When devastation happens we look back at our original choices of geography, people you care for and make your next choice to rebuild or move on. Is that not what life is? Choice thrown at us daily, risk in following a dram and the endurance to follow that dream. I have no answers other than were you listening, watching and understand consequences.


As a civil servant in social services in Texas let me say that I have returned to the same areas, called flood plains for a good reason, with the same people asking for help to rebuild yet again for the third and fourth time. When does this become a bad choice instead of their home. I would not continue to live in areas prone to disaster by choice. Some times we face tough decisions. Put ur big boy lands and face them.

Maybe you should set a limit of twice to help those people... Maybe giving out pamphlets for Free movers




I don't comment much-- I just like to watch 😉


Nothing like praying for people you don't know who are someplace you aren't to make you feel like you've done something to help them even though you haven't lifted a finger or spent a single dime.... That the storm has hit one of the poorest parts of the nation and most deeply entrenched in religion. The "true believers" will probably be saying soon that the storm was God striking back at the non believers and unfaithful even though their group is the greatest in number and intolerance to those others they blame.


I think your friend could have logical recourse to a “Free Will Defense of a Devil”. Indeed, some years back I published a proof (granting a couple of common sense assumptions) that this is an adequate theodicy for such cases of so-called natural evil in “Can Theism Survive Without the Devil?” Religious Studies (An international Journal For the Philosophy of Religion, Cambridge University Press), 11, pp 231-244. Seems to me this is an obvious move for those who believe in devils/demons to begin with. That is, I think it is those who believe in a good God but no devils (with free will) that are confronted with the logical problem.

It would certainly be a convenient defense however it pretty much puts a hole in the all-powerful god notion

@lerlo No, the defense works for all-powerful god notion as well. Surely an all-powerful god could make any creature select any option whatever, but even omnipotence cannot make an agent FREELY CHOOSE one option over another--for if omnipotence made it happen it wasn't freely chosen. (I was following--and expanding--Alvin Plantinga's work in God, Freedom, and Evil when I wrote this article.) Thanks for responding.

@Wallace perhaps I misunderstood. If someone believes there is a devil who gets to do whatever it wants then the all-powerful God isn't so all-powerful if it doesn't control the devil. If there is no devil then the all-powerful god creates the hurricane and man has no control, so man's free will it's not a factor.


Prayers our hopes and wishes.


You should ask her if god created the hurricane. Then you could ask her what good praying if god sent it.

Exactly what I said I was going to do and didn't do and said why

Amen my friend!!!!! lol

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