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Terrifying. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho

ReadyforaChange 7 Aug 28

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Will Do

Varn Level 8 Aug 28, 2020

A man who can't even grasp that Covid-19 is real and organize a coherent rational scientific effort to fight it, unlike pretty much every other leader on the planet, has been implementing some secret master plan to make himself into Hitler? Please, Trump couldn't plot his way out of a paper bag. Yes, he is a terrifyingly bad president and things are going to get worse before they get better, but it's because Trump (and his followers) live in a fantasy world where they are pretending Covid-19 will all just go away and the economy will magically rebound.

I don't think HE is smart enough but some of his so-called sycophants certainly could be.

@ReadyforaChange Maybe, but that's a layer of special pleading at least.


VoteBlueNoMatterWho is a terrifying ideology

In times like these, it's the only choice. We have to start back somewhere. Trump equals death to our democracy and our citizens. You have a better idea?


The better idea was to not nominate Biden.

The DNC chose the worst candidate and now we all must suffer.

We could all vote green, that would be the reasonable thing to do.

@RoboGraham It depends on what state you live in. Kanye West is going to get more votes than the Green Party. He's only in the race to take votes away from democrats in swing states. He admits it. Trump must be stopped. This is not the year for me to vote for Jill Stein, shouldn't have done it 2016. Even Democracy Now! people admit that this year. Howie Hawkins isn't getting my vote. Joe Biden is


Every election we are told that this is not the time to vote sensibly, we must vote for the lesser evil. I'll never do that again.

@RoboGraham This year is different. I remember Nixon, Ford, Reagan, the Bush's This guy is different. He is from the Hitler mold. If he gets in again, his plan is to become dictator. Go ahead vote for Howie Hawkins. It's a free country. For now.

@barjoe jill stein/green party....wasn't she/they the ones who showed up in 2016 asking for $$$$, then nobody heard from them again until just now when it is time to ask for $$$$ again? Yeah, I'm sending them money......

@RoboGraham Vote for Biden/Harris or vote for Trump. Don't vote at all, vote for Trump. Vote green, vote for Trump. Real fucking brilliant dude. My two innocent grandgirls thank you too, as you sit on your ass whining about not getting your damn way, Bernie or Bust, PLEASE. Grow the fuck up and do the right thing.


Fantastic. And they labelled us as aggressive and abusive during the primary. I've gotten way more hate and abuse from the Biden Bros than even the MAGA people.

Do you expect that this is at all effective in convincing people to vote the way you believe they ought to?

You can go suck a lemon with that foul mouth of yours. I do not vote for right wing politicians.

Ready for Change you are? What kind of change will Biden bring you?

@RoboGraham My post, I will speak any way I choose. YOU can suck MY ASS for your ignorant diatribe you probably consider oh so advanced and progressive and green. You're just another spoiled American who didn't get your way and is going to make us all pay. Fuck off loser.


Sure you can speak however you choose, 1st amendment. But it does reflect negatively on you.

Yes, my position is progressive and green, I don't consider that a bad thing, do you? What is the change that you are ready for?

The spoiled ones are you boomers. You haven't a clue how these neoliberal policies that your generation put in place has screwed over my generation. And I'm sure that you believe that getting rid of Trump will fix everything. Far from it. Trump is a symptom of the sickness of our society and to cure it, we need to get rid of all the lying cheating corrupt elites who run this police state. Including Biden and the rest of the corporate democrats.

@AnneWimsey She's not running this time. Howie Hawkins is the Green Party candidate. Jill tried to challenge the Trump election results 2016. She knew something was up. People can vote for who they want. I'm voting for Joe Biden. If he doesn't win I won't cry, I didn't cry in 2016. I'll be enraged. I'm getting older and I can't let it ruin what's left of my life but it will ruin my country.

@RoboGraham When you attack people for being boomers, you're no better than people who attack millennials. Just saying. There's boomers who agree with you. Not many. There's not that many people who agree with you. Not of statistical significance. Pejorative terms may not be right. That being said, you may not know it, but terms like neo-liberal are nasty as well, and pinning Old vs New is not right. If Trump gets back in and repeals ACA, SS, SSI, Medicare and Medicaid; is it fair to say you will be guilty of screwing things up for future generations? You say this all the time. Attacking all boomers is wrong. Labeling boomers neo-liberals is smug and you should stop prodding people if you don't want insults coming back at you. Don't complain 1st Amendment.

@barjoe @ReadyforaChange

Neoliberalism is the ideology which has prevailed in America over the course of my lifetime. It is nasty, I agree with you there, but it's not nasty to say it. The boomer generation is responsible for this, and I will point that out. I know not all boomers are the same, and so yes, it's unfair of me to place blame on all of them. But when boomers condescend to me, I will tell them how it is.

I am a believer in free speech, very much so. Have you heard me complaining? I said that she can say whatever she wants, I have no problem with that but people will judge you by the words that you speak. That's how it works.

If Biden and the democrats fail to win, that is not my responsibility. The blame lies squarely on them and those who voted for Joe i the primary. I am not a democrat and I have no duty to support that corrupt party. It is they who are screwing thing up for future generations, and current generations.

If Trump manages to repeal Obamacare and medicare and medicaid, that will be a terrible tragedy. This is why I support med4all. In fact, the vast majority of the country supports it. But for some strange reason, Biden and the corporate democrats refuse. They do not represent us.

@RoboGraham Vote however you want. Pin boomers vs genx and millennial. Screech about neo-liberals all you want. If 60 million Americans lose their health care and those evil seniors are left out on the street, that won't be your fault. If you're upset Bernie's not the candidate, it's not Biden's fault it's Elizabeth Warren's. She did have the right to run tho. She'd have lost 45 states. Biden doesn't represent you. He represents me. He's my quarterback in the Superbowl. I gotta go with him.

@ReadyforaChange You nailed that selfish prick… Thanks for kicking him where it won’t hurt 🙂

The creep peruses these pages ..constantly commenting or posting negativity toward “the DNC or Joe Biden” … but lacks the testosterone to take on the bad boys The RNC - and didn’t we all get a shitload of their message this week!

This guys drip drip drip dri… solves nothing. And, he learns nothing. I’d block his tripe if it didn’t simply bear watching.. But you nailed it - those of us with families, children & parents we love ..the potential for significant others.. are the ones who’ll be taken down if trump gets another 4. From what I’ve seen, this guy has nothing to live for, nothing. We do.

@Varn Yep you're right and I am blocking his ignorant entitled selfish whiny ass now. Thanks for your support.

@ReadyforaChange He’s attempted to dish me a lot of shit, and has definitely wasted a lot of my time ..attempting to decipher his disconnect. He also ‘tags support’ to those around here promoting the same suicidal message.. I suspect the best ignore him (you will have now graduated), but like I said ..the drip drip dr.. stuff has a detrimental effect on those with less time 😟

@barjoe thanks for the nfo...will amend my post. I pay no attention to theses 3rd-party BS-ers, I actually learned from watching Ralph Nader get us Bush.

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