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"God told me I should be rich, famous, and talk about him all the time. So I became a televangelist". Seems to explain a lot..


I knew those practical joke motel room speakers would pay off with a laugh some day. Ha, ha.

I heard a story about a Boeing worker years ago. He had a new baby, was working on a difficult project and was defending his master's thesis at school -- all at the same time. So he wasn't entirely in a sane state anyway.
His thoughtful coworkers hid a beeper in one of the legs of his desk. Randomly every 5 minutes or so it would go 'beep' then fall silent again. I don't know what the final outcome was.

People take the rational sounds in their worlds too much for granted.😋


If there's a Republican backlash and Nazis take over our legislative branch, the planet is in peril. This is the most powerful country in the world turning fascist.

There was a pretty strong Nazi movement in the the 1930's, which lasted right up until the bombs dropped on Pearl harbor.

@snytiger6 America First. Remind you of anything? They didn't want US to enter the war so you know who would go unimpeded and Britain would have to surrender to him. Prescott Bush (those Bush's) Averil Harriman, Allen Dulles, Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh. All Nazis.

@barjoe Well, they were at least Fascists, who supported the Nazis.

I have remarked several times on how there was a strong Nazi movement in the U.S. right up until the Japanese bombed Pearl harbor. Also during the war, thee were several Nazi spies caught on American soil.

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