9 4
Dinesh , laughs riotously as the left show their true hateful , vile colors . Shit brown . Shit scared they are loosing again . Shit scared they have a rapist , demented , clown of a cornpop leader. Shit scared their hypocrisy, double standards & media bias is no longer working . Except with BLM & Antifa.. . Keep them . Noone else wants them .. Those clowns are yours.
Seriousreason 8 Aug 28

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I didn't know the Trump campaign had such ardent supporters in New Zealand?!


I guess I'm not surprised at the people here condoning the behavior of those punks... I'm kinda surprised Kamala is pushing for more of it, but not that much.. She's not really for peace and democratic lawfulness.. like Democrats claim anyway.. I kinda feel sorry for these leftest fools if this does create a "gangster" like civil war.. They will soon figure out,,, like they did in Kenosha, you're going to lose if you bring a skateboard to a gun fight..


This guy is worse than the cheeto.


Why would someone in New Zealand take such an interest in American politics? And why would such a person express such an anti-democratic, hateful, and untrue rhetoric? Inquiring minds want to know.


Hatch Act, anyone? Using WH grounds for partisan activities? Using WH staffers, paid with Our tax dollars, to do the work required, etc..........
Lawless anti-Americans in suits!


This guy is not to be taken seriously. How about showing the actions of the "Bad Boys" in Portland, or the "Unite the Way" in Charlottesville. They had guns in Portland and Charlottesville, the protesters outside the WH have camera phones. Doesn't seem fair does it.


Clowns indeed.


Another typical lying con. Zero evidence as to the political identities of the people in the clips even though he calls them "the left". Zero evidence of who Kamala Harris was referring to in the clip of her. Completely unsubstantiated claims. Yet again. Yawn.


YouTube again? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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